Publication station UX UI prototyping
LOw LOw FIdelity prototype
On the day of our first prototyping, we were still unsure about the rules of our game. we then decided to try out our different options with our classmates. We made it simply on an a3 size of paper and use materials we had on hand as well a from the trash bunker to create a simple board.

we immediately got a lot of feedback concerning the layout, he use of symbols, the different types of questions we could include and so on.

From this first stage we were able to narrow down our inspirations and had a clearer idea of what we wanted our game to be like and it's goal
LOw FIdelity prototype
We were lucky to have found a child who would be able to help us test the game from the same week.

this led us to making a second lo-fi prototype in order to have an already improved and more defined version of the game as we had our intentions a bit more clear.

This session was very helpful especially conversing with her parents as we were able to present out different options and get feedback based of an observational point of view.

this version has the changes needed based of our first testing
larger arrows, more use of colour and such and one f the code to incorporates ninja tunes into the game and make use of physical and virtual play uses
scroll down!
in these classes we mostly focused on the board and working out the rules and how to make this game as connected to the music.
High FIdelity prototype
This improved version was developped using the feedback from out first user testing and made these versions to use in class testing and with a few of our friends.
Eva 6y old 

Quick explanation of game, 
Child seems confused, maybe due to age

Enjoys looking at the board  
Was confused by the direction

Got interested at age of 5, like dance monkey 
Her words - “Good”
Would you play this game again? -yes 
Would your friends like this? -yes
She likes the colour and music 

Opinions from parents:

These were particularly helpful as they explained and helped us understand a child’s playing habits. They also had an older child so it was helpful to see how they gave us advice to improve based on their experiences as parents

Remarks from gameplay and explanation of her behaviour:
Timer for the questions
More steps on harder questions 
Don’t get upset again, uno particularly likes snakes and ladders 
She likes that she can learn and new music and would like to play with her friends 

Main advice:
Some competitive elements or something unpredictable 
Ladders so she can get excited 
Bonus questions or ladders that allow you to go faster 
Send somebody front or back 
Further you go harder the questions and leave the last row with hard questions 
But more questions 

Our thoughts after the experience:
For first card you can’t go back two steps 
Have or include different rules for the two types of card 
Do you play the card if you get it as you advance? Or place them at least three card away 


Design the QR code in a music way
Move to the next music stop
Send your friend to your the next step
Eva 6y old 
Adam 8y old
Sarah 11y old

more feedback concerning the rules,
aka confusion about the rules

they enjoyed the board very much
also had fun scanning the codes

not much feedback as they were not all english speaking

this experience was very helpful for our confidence in the game.