5-4-2022 Interfaces, Artificial Intelligence introduction
This class was quite the chaos, as soon as we got to see the wonders that we could make with the little audroino chip it seemeed as if the child in all of us came out. The dangers of a 8:30 am class I suppose...

Nevertheless, to say this class was fun is an understatement. It was quite impressive to know that a lot of machine leatning was accesible from our own computers. To keep with my interaction station tradition, I choose to create my project using Mario noises. The sounds of his voice haunted me after having to hear it for what seemed like hours.
It did allow me however to find peaceful areas in the school that I had never been to before, an unexpected pro.

I am quite excited to see what more I can learn as a 5 hour class was already very fruitful!
Interaction Station- Interfaces and Machine Learning
Interesting updates on the world of ai art, including websites like Dall-e and Dall-e 2.

Motion/gesture based machine learning

Clustering, the effect where the graph has lots of dots on the 3 dimensional graph

Epoch, new eras of training.

We were also able to discuss the different possibilities that we could do using the different possibilties. Start of more finalised ideas with my partner including the use of using the motion from the Ardruino and later on incorperating aspects from maybe the conductive ink classes we've had earlier on in the year.
12-4-2022 Interfaces, Artificial Intelligence
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