designing and prototyping AKA the crazy rollercoaster that is the design process
this is where Monica's and I strenghts come into play.
(humble brag) we were able to organise ourselves and split the tasks based on what we each knew best in order to be as efficient
this led to us having different pov's of each element of our game
so scroll up and down, right and left and peak into the chaos of a creative process
The board went through a lot of changes, from paper format to a lot of editing on illustrator since we were both started to get familiar with the program.

A lot of the changes and edits were made suring class times so we were able to have input from our classmateds as we were making it
more in detail information about in class prototyping

The pawns were not a focus of the game but were essential to it's gameplay.

We choose simple wooden pawns and i painted them in three different variations of colours: pastels, solid vibrant colours and some fun little characters

We choose the ones that fit the final aesthethic of the game most accurately and asked around the publication station for advice
The pawns were not a focus of the game but were essential to it's gameplay.

We choose simple wooden pawns and i painted them in three different variations of colours: pastels, solid vibrant colours and some fun little characters

We choose the ones that fit the final aesthethic of the game most accurately and asked around the publication station for advice

this is a special skill on it's own. I applaud every card designer there is. We faced a soid about of problems and have had to reprint these about 3 times to still not be totally pleased with it.

We got a lot of feedback but decided that it wasn't worth our effort to focus totally on just this element of the game.

Next time, I would definitly use indesign instead of illustrator and use GRIDS.

also the print machines are tough to use, the cards were a real challenge but this was also a good moment to discover new tools in the publication station and expand my general history on printmaking.
Following kimmy crash course on typography and the in class exercises we found our logo and decided on the visual language of the game!
<-- this being out first version of our logo!